Technologists, Technicians & Other Technical Service Providers

The health care providers taxonomy codes are unique alphanumeric codes, ten characters in length. The codes are divided into three distinct "levels": Provider Grouping, Classification, and Area of Specialization. The code set levels are organized to allow navigating down from generic classification to a provider's most specific level of specialization. The code set is designed for use in electronic health care transactions mandated under HIPAA.

Taxonomy codes are self-selected by the health care providers. Their specialty is defined based on their education level and training. Taxonomy codes do not specify the actual services rendered by the health care provider.

Code Specialization Definition
242T00000X A perfusionist operates extracorporeal circulation and autotransfusion equipment during any medical situation where it is necessary to support or temporarily replace the patient's circulatory or respiratory function. The perfusionist is knowledgeable concerning the variety of equipment available to perform extracorporeal circulation functions and is responsible, in consultation with the physician, for selecting the appropriate equipment and techniques to be used.
Radiologic Technologist
247100000X An individual who is trained and qualified in the art and science of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation for the purposes of diagnostic medical imaging, interventional procedures and therapeutic treatment.
2471B0102X Bone Densitometry Definition to come.
2471C1106X Cardiac-Interventional Technology Definition to come.
2471C1101X Cardiovascular-Interventional Technology Definition to come...
2471C3401X Computed Tomography Definition to come...
2471M1202X Magnetic Resonance Imaging Definition to come...
2471M2300X Mammography Definition to come...
2471N0900X Nuclear Medicine Technology Definition to come.
2471Q0001X Quality Management Definition to come...
2471R0002X Radiation Therapy Definition to come...
2471C3402X Radiography Definition to come...
2471S1302X Sonography Definition to come...
2471V0105X Vascular Sonography Definition to come.
2471V0106X Vascular-Interventional Technology Definition to come.
Radiology Practitioner Assistant
243U00000X A Radiology Practitioner Assistant (RPA) is a health professional certified as a registered radiographer with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and, in addition, is credentialed to provide primary radiology health care with radiologist supervision. Radiology Practitioner Assistants are qualified by graduation from an educational program recognized by the Board of Directors of athe Certification Board for Radiology Practitioner Assistants (CBRPA) and certified by the CBRPA. Within the Radiologist/RPA relationship, Radiology Practitioner Assistants exercise autonomy in decision making in the role of a primary caregiver with regard to patient assessment, patient management and in providing a broad range of radiology diagnostic and interventional services. The clinical role of the Radiology Practitioner Assistant includes primary and specialty care in radiology practice settings in rural and urban areas.
Specialist/Technologist Cardiovascular
246X00000X An allied health professional who performs diagnostic examinations at the request or direction of a physician in one or more of the following three areas: invasive cardiology, noninvasive cardiology, and noninvasive peripheral vascular study. Cardiovascular technologists are one type of allied health professional for which the Committee on Allied Health Education and Accreditation has accredited education programs
246XC2901X Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist Definition to come...
246XS1301X Sonography Definition to come...
246XC2903X Vascular Specialist Definition to come...
Specialist/Technologist, Health Information
246Y00000X An individual with a high school diploma, on-the-job experience and coding education from seminars or college classes who passes a national certification examination in either inpatient and outpatient facility services coding, or physician services coding.
246YC3301X Coding Specialist, Hospital Based Definition to come...
246YC3302X Coding Specialist, Physician Office Based Definition to come...
246YR1600X Registered Record Administrator Definition to come...
Specialist/Technologist, Other
246Z00000X General classification identifying individuals trained on specific equipment and technical procedures in one of a collection of miscellaneous healthcare disciplines.
246ZA2600X Art, Medical Definition to come...
246ZB0500X Biochemist Definition to come...
246ZB0301X Biomedical Engineering Definition to come...
246ZB0302X Biomedical Photographer Definition to come...
246ZB0600X Biostatistician Definition to come...
246ZE0500X EEG Definition to come...
246ZE0600X Electroneurodiagnostic Definition to come...
246ZG1000X Geneticist, Medical (PhD) Definition to come...
246ZG0701X Graphics Methods Definition to come...
246ZI1000X Illustration, Medical Definition to come...
246ZN0300X Nephrology Definition to come...
246ZX2200X Orthopedic Assistant An Orthopaedic Assistant is a person who has been trained to work as a physician extender in both clinical and surgical environments. An Orthopaedic Assistant assists with aspects of patient care as determined by the supervising surgeon including, but not limited to, obtaining patient history, assisting with examinations, injections, recording of office notes, and application/adjustment/removal of splints, casts, and other immobilization devices. Acting as a surgical first assistant for orthopaedic surgery cases includes providing aid in exposure, hemostasis, positioning of the patient, suturing and closure of body planes and skin, application of wound dressings or immobilization devices, and other technical functions that will help the surgeon carry out a safe operation with optimal results for the patient. An Orthopaedic Assistant may be licensed, registered, or certified depending on the state in which the individual practices.
246ZC0007X Surgical Assistant A surgical assistant is a skilled practitioner who has undergone formalized education and training as a surgical assistant. The surgical assistant performs surgical functions that include, but are not limited to: retracting, manipulating, suturing, clamping, cauterizing, litigating, and tying tissue; suctioning, irrigating and sponging; positioning the patient; closure of body planes and skin; and participating in hemostasis and volume replacement. Surgical assistants are certified and registered or licensed by the state, or, in states without licensure, certified as surgical assistants by completing appropriate education and training.
246ZS0410X Surgical Technologist Surgical technologists are allied health professionals, who are an integral part of the team of medical practitioners providing surgical care to patients. Surgical technologists work under the supervision of a surgeon to facilitate the safe and effective conduct of invasive surgical procedures, ensuring that the operating room environment is safe, that equipment functions properly, and that the operative procedure is conducted under conditions that maximize patient safety. Surgical technologists possess expertise in the theory and application of sterile and aseptic technique and combine the knowledge of human anatomy, surgical procedures, and implementation tools and technologies to facilitate a physician's performance of invasive therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.
Specialist/Technologist, Pathology
246Q00000X (1) An individual educated and trained in clinical chemistry, microbiology or other biological sciences; and in gathering data on the blood, tissues, and fluids in the human body. Tests and procedures performed or supervised center on major areas of hematology, microbiology, immunohematology, immunology, clinical chemistry and urinalysis. Education and certification requires the equivalent of an associate degree and alternative combinations of accredited training and experience. (2) A specially trained individual who works under the direction of a pathologist, other physician, or scientist, and performs specialized chemical, microscopic, and bacteriological tests of human blood, tissue, and fluids. Also known as medical technologists, they perform and supervise tests and procedures in clinical chemistry, immunology, serology, bacteriology, hematology, parasitology, mycology, urinalysis, and blood banking. The work requires the correlation of test results with other data, interpretation of test findings, and exercise of independent judgment. The minimum educational requirement (for one of several certification programs in medical technology) is a baccalaureate degree with appropriate science course requirements, plus a twelve-month, structured, AMA approved medical technology program and an examination; or a baccalaureate degree with appropriate science course requirements and experience.
246QB0000X Blood Banking Definition to come...
246QC1000X Chemistry Definition to come...
246QC2700X Cytotechnology Definition to come...
246QH0401X Hemapheresis Practitioner Definition to come...
246QH0000X Hematology Definition to come...
246QH0600X Histology Definition to come...
246QI0000X Immunology Definition to come...
246QL0900X Laboratory Management Definition to come...
246QL0901X Laboratory Management, Diplomate Definition to come...
246QM0706X Medical Technologist Definition to come...
246QM0900X Microbiology Definition to come...
Technician, Cardiology
246W00000X An individual who has knowledge of specific techniques, instruments, and equipment required in performing specific cardiovascular/peripheral vascular diagnostic procedures.
Technician, Health Information
247000000X Preferred term for an Accredited Record Technician who is an individual with an associate's degree from an accredited college or independent study program who is skilled in analyzing health information and in examination of medical records for accuracy, reporting of patient data for reimbursement, and creation of disease registries for researchers.
2470A2800X Assistant Record Technician Definition to come...
Technician, Other
247200000X A collective term for persons with specialized training in various narrow fields of expertise whose occupations require training and skills in specific technical processes and procedures; and where further classification is deemed unnecessary by the user.
2472B0301X Biomedical Engineering Definition to come...
2472D0500X Darkroom Definition to come...
2472E0500X EEG Definition to come...
2472R0900X Renal Dialysis Definition to come...
2472V0600X Veterinary Definition to come...
Technician, Pathology
246R00000X An individual with knowledge of specific techniques and instruments who performs all of the routine tests in a medical laboratory and who has the ability to discriminate between similar factors that directly affect procedures and results.
247ZC0005X Clinical Laboratory Director, Non-physician An individual who is state-licensed as a clinical laboratory director and meets the qualifications in the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 for non-physicians (non-MD/DO) as defined in the CFR 42 Part 493.1405.
246RH0600X Histology Definition to come...
246RM2200X Medical Laboratory Definition to come...
246RP1900X Phlebotomy Definition to come...